In our culture today, it is seemingly always pushing the boundaries of what seems more risqué and edgy. We push away traditional ideals and push for the newest and most "original" ideals.
There is a convoluted and mixed mentality that somehow everything needs to be fair and right, but when was the last time anything felt fair? When is the last time things felt right?
I am 100% an advocate for equal rights for all people. I am entirely in favor of everyone being free to be who they are and not feel condemned by other people. Regardless of beliefs or personal convictions it is never anyone's right to make someone else feel like less.
With all the news about Caitlyn Jenner, it's really surprising to me that people will two weeks later treat this Rachel any differently.
Can anyone tell me what the difference is between feeling like a man or a woman feels like? How can anyone in a male body know what being a female is like aside from stereotypes? How can anyone who is white or black know what it is like to be another race aside from stereotypes?
Really, for Bruce to think or realize that he/she is a woman, those suppositions need to be premised on an idea of what a man is and what a woman is and an internal evaluation of which group he/she belongs to.
For Rachel to say she identifies as black versus white, there needs to be suppositions about what it means to be either of those things.
That said, I am outraged that two weeks ago everyone wanted to be on the pronoun train and supportive of someone identifying in a different group and today I noticed people from that supportive group making fun of another for their exact same cause.
The only difference between Bruce and Rachel is that Bruce identifies as a different gender and Rachel identifies as a different race.
If Bruce is transgendered then Rachel is transracial. Deal with it and respect people for people rather than their choices