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Sunday, August 23, 2015


The concCERN about what CERN is doing in September is so unfounded I nearly dismissed it. I recently heard conspiracy theories about how September 2015 is going to be really terrible and that we all need to prepare. 

In all fairness, the world also ended on 12/21/12 as the Mayans "predicted" - not going to lie, I did throw myself an apocalypse birthday party because that's my birthday. 

Now that the world had already ended, can it possibly end again? Conspiracy theorists seem to think so. September is to bring about CERN opening a hole into the Abyss referred to in Revelation, of the bible. The economy is supposedly going to have a massive debt bubble burst, and apparently a meteor is going to kill us all. Man, and all these kids just went back to school...

Let's look at these points individually and evaluate their legitimacy. 


So the current theory is that they will open up the abyss for the antichrist because they are going to create the God particle. It's so uninformed I am literally having to reorganize my thoughts as I write.

A few notes regarding the Large Hydron Collider (LHC):

1 - it doesn't create particles, it destroys them

2 - it isn't doing experiments this month, it's closing for upgrades and maintenance 

3 - it doesn't open or close anything

The LHC is largely responsible for helping verify the existence of the Higgs Boson, a.k.a. "The God Particle"

So what is a Higgs Boson?

Largely we aren't sure, but we know the function of a Higgs Boson and how it operates based on the observations of waves in the "Higgs field" if you will. We know that it is what "makes matter matter." That is to say it is the basis by which energy converts to matter and vice versa. Imagine a room with a light overhead. Light in this scenario would be energy and darkness would be mass. In this example, the Higgs Boson is the light switch. It is the smallest particle that we have been able to verify and we verify it by observing the wave. Physics has this property in the quantum level that says you can either observe something as a particle or as a wave but never both at the same time. It's called particle wave duality. Every particle is both a particle and a wave and observing one by default means you lose the ability to observe the other. 

Since the Higgs is the smallest we have observed, it's ridiculous to infer that we could make one. That's like saying you could build a Lego castle from a single Lego. 


There is a lot of unrest regarding the economy for September. Theorists are siting a loss of 600+ points in the Dow as a sign.

Here is what they fail to mention. 600+ points as a loss happens every few years with a "recovery" right after. People panic and then realize the fears were unsubstantiated so the market bounces back.

The Chinese economy is slowing faster than thought and people panicked. The thing people forget is that superpowers of the world tend to have a savior complex. Even though the Chinese economy is slowing and suffering, generally other powerful markets move to stabilize the system. Not once has the global economy entirely collapsed. 

So when the Chinese economy slows we took a turn anticipating their recovery, and when it didn't we turned and recovered. In 2008, the flaw wasn't the 778 point loss in September. It was that combined with subsequent losses totaling around 2700 points from September to December.  That is a monster loss, considering the Dow is now only 15k points. 

In the wake of a weakened China we have seen our economy bolster for impact. The economy isn't falling out in September. 

I refer you to my other blog regarding Blood Moons.

There are biblical prophecies regarding the land of Israel and the woe to those that separate God's land. 

Let's be honest. The Palestinian people had kept that land divided for nearly 2000 years. While I don't think making them their own nation will solve anything, certainly the land isn't changing hands soon. 

I guess everyone likes a good piece of gossip and a controversy but there are people who jump on these trains and don't do research. It's dangerous to play games with people's minds like that. Hopefully this blog has informed you a little so that you can begin your own search for information.

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