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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Aim To Offend

I have noticed recently that America is bent on self satisfaction and the opposition of offense. Everyone wants to hear, "It's okay if it's good for you." Reality check. It is not okay just because you feel it's good for you. This post is meant to offend and I'm sure it will. I'm not telling you to take it with a grain of salt or even apologizing. America needs to be offended. Here we go.


Intelligence: America is on a steady declining slope of intelligence as compared to the rest of the globe. We embrace cultures that substitute real words for slang SO much that slang like "funner" is ACTUALLY in the dictionary as of 2010! When I see things like this I reflect back to my childhood when people said to get smart and you can do anything. People want to know why our country is in so much turmoil? Here's the real issue. American's are too stupid to realize that politicians are smarter than them. Many of us are too ignorant to understand that we have the power to empower ANYONE we choose because of our constitution. America gets angry and blames politicians for everything but they cannot rise to power except on the backs of Americans. The key sign that Americans are uninformed and ignorant is the very fact that they re-elect officials and then denounce them once they gain office.

What's the point? America, do your research. You have zero right to complain about something if you haven't taken the time to truly understand the problem. I cannot complain about a government that doesn't serve my needs without knowing what is really wrong.

Obesity: America is fat. We are lazy and fat. If you are skinny and reading this, you are probably just skinny fat due to the fact that your metabolism runs faster (Google: Skinny Fat). Good for you, you're still killing yourself ( The amount of information on what it takes to be healthy and prolong your life and avoid diseases and medical conditions is insanely abundant yet many people simply don't know what to do. Why? Because we are lazy. We are too lazy to stick to a simple gym routine. We are too lazy to cook dinner. We are too lazy to have a family sit down and take a night to spend together.

What's the point? America, stop being so lazy. The road to death and suffering is paved with good intentions. "I'm going to get my life right when I am ready" is a nice way to say, "I'm not getting my life right." 

Guns: Guns in our country have become a huge issue. If you are ignorant enough to not believe it, simply look at what other happenings have gone on recently. There was a stabbing where people were injured - no deaths. There was a bombing just yesterday in Boston - two deaths. The last public shooting rendered over 20 deaths of young children. I am tired of hearing people say the government is coming for your weapons. I am tired of people saying that criminals will just use something else. I am tired of people saying they need to protect their family.

Common Gun Excuses / Easy Solutions:
1. Government is coming for my guns / You can't stop a bomb and they can steal them when you're gone
2. Criminals will find other weapons / The stabbings and bombings have PROVEN less effective at killing
3. Family Protection / Get a Security System, Get shatter proof windows and dead bolt locks, get a guard dog, use an AirSoft gun, etc. If none of that was able to stop a guy from breaking in, then you probably WILL need lethal force. If you haven't done ANY of that, you have ZERO right to lethal force. If you have done everything to protect your family and your gun is the last resort, more power to you.

What's the point? America has a "Call Of Duty" complex where we want to feel all macho and tough. We say, "I'd like to see them come in and try to hurt my family." Reality? How many people are breaking in your place regularly? Of those people how many do you think have the express purpose to hurt your family instead of steal from you? If these criminals happen to break in the room where your guns are, what do you do now? I HAVE NEVER SEEN A MORE SCARED PERSON THAN SOMEONE WHO HIDES BEHIND A GUN, and they are the most dangerous because they rarely store the weapons properly, leaving them open access to people who ARE crazy or dangerous. You have the right to bear arms, NOT to use them as a first resort.

Apathy: We are a pathetic lot when we are raising a generation with complete apathy. Terms like "YOLO" abound because people simply don't care anymore. America has spurned our opportunity SO much that the next generation is in a state of hopelessness. People are accepting of mothers raising children alone. People are accepting of parents working all week long and spending no time with their children. People are accepting of television programming and music that teaches our kids and teaches us that being smart and diligent isn't "cool." You know what? If we took all the people dying to be "cool" and simply pushed them into the ocean the rest of society can rise above stupid stuff like that. There is no such thing as cool. I am tired of seeing people who have a goal to be famous or infamous at any cost. I am tired of seeing train wreck people living train wreck lives on television. The only thing worse is the people who actually watch that stuff so they can feel like their own lives are better. You aren't any better. You are just as bad.

What's the point? When I was growing up "Toleration" was pushed on my generation. Tolerate people who have different views. Tolerate homosexuality. Tolerate your circumstances. Tolerate friends. The new generation has "acceptance" pushed all over it. Accept homosexuality. Accept your circumstances. Accept Friends. Accept mediocrity. Accept inferiority. Accept abuse. Accept neglect. Accept that you won't have a father. Both of these are right in some respects and wrong in others. Tolerate opposing views, but you don't have to accept them. Tolerate your circumstances but strive to persevere. Accept your friends, but be willing to hold them accountable. Never accept or tolerate mediocrity, inferiority, abuse, neglect, fatherlessness, carelessness, or anything else that causes you to be less than you were meant to.

Morality: There is an absolute truth and there is such thing as right and wrong. There is no such thing as, "It's okay for you, but not for me." That's just clever wording for, "I'm better than you." There is no such thing as relative truth. Truth by definition NEEDS to be absolute or it cannot exist. If truth changes, then truth doesn't exist because it can always change to whatever, so then truth is simply opinion. If truth does not exist at all, then the statement that truth does not exist is a paradox. TRUTH MUST BE ABSOLUTE. MORALITY MUST BE ABSOLUTE. If it's not okay for me, then it's not okay for ANYONE. If someone said to you, "Smoking is bad for you, but it's okay for me," would you accept that? Of course not. It causes cancer and several other problems. 

What's the point? You shouldn't be living for what feels good. I'm sure a murder feels good in the moment someone gets revenge. I'm sure a rape feels good to the offender. I'm sure robbery feels good when you have more for yourself. What you FEEL is not an indicator of what is right. If you FEEL like your love is equal to everyone else's, compare it. Does your love last as long as the strongest love? Is your love as patient and kind as some people's? There is a truth. It hurts your pride but it sets you free. The reason truth sets you free is because you are no longer bound to your opinion or to your own mind, but to an absolute. It's a constantly never changing entity and you are no longer burdened with trying to defend yourself. Truth will defend you. 

Intelligence: America needs to smarten up. Do your research. Be intelligent.
Obesity: America needs to stop being lazy. Get your life right. Live healthy.
Guns: America needs to humble themselves. Admit you have weakness. Think first.
Apathy: America needs to hope again. Strive to be better. Expect more.
Morality: America needs to abandon pride. Search for the answers. Know truth.

If you are offended by this - good. You should be. It's offensive. Nobody ever changed who wasn't upset by what they were currently doing. Nobody every becomes better unless they realize that there is something that NEEDS to get better in the first place. You don't go to the doctor if everything is okay. You go when something is hurt. I am no doctor, but the reality is that America is sick. 

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