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Monday, April 1, 2013

Living Forever Is Not For The Feint-Hearted

Life is a consistent battle with desire and contentment. It seems that every time you jump the fence the grass beneath your feet withers and what is on the other side seems to get brighter and more lush. 

All of my life I have been told that I could do great things because of some kind of intelligence that I possess. I would argue that intelligence is less important than the ability to navigate yourself socially, which I am despairingly inept with. That said, I suppose I could have gone to Columbia University or I could have done any number of alternate routes with my life but the end result would not be the same balance that I am seeking now. Those desires were not on the other side of the fence.

Biblically speaking and personally speaking I have learned and am coming to know more and more that life is a process of balancing yourself. Jesus calls you to balance yourself with food, your heart, your life, and doing so is a very difficult task. I think the most common difficulty is finding the drive to do these things.

Sometimes the enemy sneaks in to steal your drive and says to you, "Why are you doing this anyway?" He whispers in your ear, "In the end you will be right where you were before." Here's the truth. You can amass all of the longings of your heart on earth and the only thing that will EVER matter is the effect that you had on other people. 

When you die they will sell your belongings. Your house will be taken over by family or sold. Your body will be disposed of either by burial or burning and the only thing left of you is memories, and those are built by your interactions with others. 


1 comment:

  1. A good reminder Jon. :) One I have been trying to accomplish as well, it's hard sometimes not to be selfish, and it's hard to know when to much is to much and when not enough isn't working.
