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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Net Neutrality - Life in The Fast Lane (For a Price)

Net Neutrality. What the heck? What is this junk and why do people care about it? What in the world is the FCC and why do I care?

Alright...let's break this down into segments that are easy to digest.

FCC = Federal Communications Committee - This is basically a government organization that sort of polices the ethics of communication in our nation. It's what assumes to allow certain things to happen for companies and individuals to communicate.

Net Neutrality = Our ability to access sites and information being open and having equal opportunity to all people and all companies. This means you can watch videos, skype, blog, play Xbox live, add modems, and use the internet in a way that is of your choosing, hampered by only your own ability to access.


1. Transparency: That all ISPs must transparently disclose to their subscribers and users all relevant information as to the policies that govern their network
2. No Blocking: That no legal content may be blocked
3. No Unreasonable Discrimination: That ISPs may not act in a commercially unreasonable manner to harm the Internet, including favoring the traffic from an affiliated entity.

So what is all of the hub-bub about then? This sounds like stuff that is pretty reasonable and regular. I mean, we do want things to be good for everyone right?

The problem is the consequences.


The legislation conflicts with a few simple statements:

1 - Comcast just bought out Time Warner Cable (TWC) and now owns 31 million subscribers. (by comparison the next runner up is At&T with about 17 Million and below this isn't worth mentioning)

2 - Coverage in the US is largely by the top two companies (Previously TWC and Comcast) - but they are now a single company, so the majority of coverage is offered not only by one company but it is mostly available THROUGH one company now.

3 - The new regulations allow ISP's to charge different money to companies like Facebook, Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, Skype, etc. for the volume of their service required for their site. In this case if, say YouTube pays an extra fee their site gets the speed needed, but if say Vimeo does not then videos on Vimeo will run so slow that the website will crash.

4 - The regulations don't stay with the companies specifically. That is to say, if your phone has the cool video call option, but it uses an ISP service to do that, the ISP now has a right to charge you as a consumer of that faster data, an extra price for that service.


Internet Service Providers (ISP's) are basically now allowed to charge more for smooth access to sites. In most cases this will be passed onto the company that offers the service (Hulu, Netflix, Skype, Facebook, etc.). There are some rare cases where you might have an ISP (AT&T) who enables your phone where they can charge you more for the faster access that FaceTime requires - i.e. charge you a "FaceTime Fee" essentially, although I'm sure they wouldn't call it that directly.

Consequently, when these service companies get fees, they will pass those fees onto their users. What this does is create a fast and slow lane for the internet. There will be blazing fast speeds and access to all of the information so long as you pay up to the almighty ISP that wants to charge you for it. In this case, you are likely in an area that only offers Comcast now, since AT&T has a very spotty broadband network and Comcast just bought TWC.

The short of this is that Comcast will basically now have the right to charge more money for access to sites that require faster usage - never mind that you are already paying them for a "faster connection" in the first place. Since they operate over 50% of the market and own the availability to much more than that with their availability, it's unlikely that even AT&T can oppose them, and will likely follow suit.

The end result is that we as consumers will be given slower internet with less ability to see places like Reddit, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, and so on unless we pay a fee. So when your kid wants to go to the internet and get information for a paper, you should make sure they don't need to get anything that would require a bigger or faster connection, or you'll pay more money. If you don't, they won't have the what happens to their grades?

Remember when you could research a paper online? Gone unless you pay.

Remember when you could video connect with people? Gone unless you pay.

Remember when you could watch videos to educate yourself? Gone unless you pay.

Remember when you could exchange ideas with people abroad? Gone unless you pay.

Who will you pay? Most of us - Comcast. Others - AT&T.

Today is the day that Net Neutrality suffered a huge blow and with the open element to the FCC over the next few months we need to DEMAND that these fast and slow lanes are not allowed.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Denying Climate Disruption Is Outrageous

The recent debate about global warming has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard of in a long while. People are making claims that it's all about political agenda and making money and I just shake my head. 
The reason for the research and the money that keeps going toward it is because deniers don't understand it. This is the same reason why the names keep changing. The overall concept is that what we are emitting in to the atmosphere at alarming rates is causing a distortion or an unwanted change in the way our ecosystem naturally evolves over time.
Originally this was called "Global warming", because one of the biggest effects was warming of the poles which we know to be happening (;;;; but then deniers said ignorant things like, "well how come the winter here was so cold then if it's global warming?!"
So we adjusted it to say that it was "Climate Change" to illustrate other effects of this problem. The idea of climate change is that we are experiencing altogether warmer temperatures, but also that the seasons naturally make a shift to adjust with this. For this reason, winter starts later and lasts longer and summer starts later and lasts longer. We are noticing that the seasons we experience normally are now beginning to shift ( in a way that causes problems for certain places of established people. Deniers then said that it wasn't changing the climate any more or less than it was before and that all of the changes we see happen naturally whether humans were polluting the atmosphere or not (which is a wild assumption because we know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction (law of motion) everywhere in nature and closed systems naturally push for equilibrium and that increases entropy (law of thermodynamics)...but I digress...)
So now the people arguing for the epidemic have again relabeled it as "Climate Disruption" so as to illuminate how it's specifically caused by our industry and pollution (;; and now naysayers are trying to argue that the scientists are lying to us and creating conspiracies about things. There are people actually trying to argue that the polar caps are increasing in ice despite the absolute non-truth of this.
We are putting more CO2 in the air than ever before. To say this doesn't change the system is outrageous. You can't put more of something into a system without changing the way it works. If I take air out of the tires on your car and put in pudding it will function differently.
Moreover, the trends for polar caps melting is certain. We know this is certainly more than before because when we drill down in the ice and find ice from 12,000 years ago and test it, the CO2 levels are much lower and the thickness of ice that dates there is much thicker, meaning it was there longer and for a bigger area.
The conclusion of the data is that CO2 at lower levels is directly related to the ice being there and we are currently pushing the system to higher CO2 Levels.
If the earth had trees that grew nearly uninhibitedly before humans and then when we had the industrial revolution we started raping our land of trees and spewing unprecedented levels of CO2 into the atmosphere, what would lead you to think that we aren't changing the system? Furthermore, since it's obvious that we ARE changing the system, what makes you think that it wouldn't make the system worse if the system naturally uses trees to get rid of CO2and yet we are eliminating them and introducing copious volumes of it?
Carbon Dioxide is a "greenhouse gas" not because of some mysterious guess we are making. We have observed it absorbing heat rays since 1861. What happens is that it allows short wave radiation (the sun waves) to pass through, but the infrared waves given off of the earths surface by the sun (long wave radiation) is absorbed by carbon dioxide. You can literally test this in a lab anywhere in the world. The carbon dioxide then emits this radiation in all directions and a good portion of that is spewed back into the atmosphere and is unable to change. The increase in this longwave radiation heats up the earth and causes changes in high and low pressure systems causing more storms and melting at the poles. (
Don't believe that we are having more storms and that they are worse? 
We have had several hurricanes that hit America in 2013 alone
The prevalence of tropical storm/hurricane weather has increased dramatically:

Ike 2008 was Category 4 and made landfall as a Cat 4 (Sept 7, 2008)
Karl 2010 was Category 3 and made landfall as a cat 3 (Sep 17, 2010)
Irene 2011 was category 3 and made landfall as a cat 3 (Aug 22, 2011) (also the 11th costliest in history for America)
Sandy 2012 was Category 3 and made landfall as a Cat 3 (Oct 26,2012) (also the 2nd costliest for lives and money for America)
If they are more frequent and higher severity it's only a matter of time.
The real reason we are even putting money into fighting for the science is because the conspiracy theorists have a loud voice that is stopping progress. Whatever you want to call the epidemic (Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Disruption) doesn't change that it's happening and that we are observing direct effects. Don't be a denier just because you like the conspiracy bandwagon. It's funny how when oil prices skyrocket you have the same people claiming big oil is a conspiracy, but when you have people arguing for low emissions and the atmosphere now the green fuels people are a conspiracy.

How about we are just messing up the planet and need to change things? 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Baby Boomers: The Bomb That Went Boom and Blamed Us

I have had this conversation about the effectiveness of generations for a while now. I've talked about it with different demographics of age and race and ultimately I come back to the same conclusion. The baby boomer generation has generated the bulk majority of major issues that we currently face and when they have retired the world will be a better place.
I am actually really repulsed because a lot of Boomers I speak to blame their parents, and then when a finger is pointed they also blame their children. Obviously any generation that creates any kind of change will leave wakes of both positive and negative ends. It's inevitable. You cannot really please everyone in the country at the same time. What I'm aiming at here is a massive slide of negative waves versus positive ones, lending that the generation did more bad than it did good. It's not something I'm claiming about every individual. So you there, Mr. or Mrs. Boomer, I'm not specifically saying that you yourself had a direct hand in the downfall. I'm saying that the bulk of influence from your generation created a bad effect and those of you that didn't have a hand didn't stop it. 
I'm going to break this down into the typical claims that people make for and against them to make this easier, because when you talk to a boomer, they claim all kinds of outlandish things and likewise I have seen nonsensical rants from other millennials with absolutely no basis. Thus, here we go.
  • 1. Climate Change Induced By Humans
Arguably the beginning to excessive use of chemicals that damage our environment was begun by the Boomer generation. Their use of such materials has eroded the use of the more safe alternatives and created dependency. As millennials, we are tasked with making sacrifices that they never made in order to help reverse the actions taken.
  • 2. Savings and Loans
DISCLAIMER: I know this is wiki, but there are about 40 sources at the bottom of the page
Ultimately the major underlying factor among all of the causes of this crisis is a boomer at the head of the banking that governs savings and loans. Giving predatory loans to people who could never afford them so that they could get a bonus was regular. All of the causes for the problems with the S&L industry were done by boomers in charge and supported by boomers in the senate.
  • 3. MASSIVE inflation resulting in stunted subsequent growth
Inflation as boomers graduated high school was around 1.5-2%. Ten years later they were hovering 11-12% inflation while having an increased ability to earn money and having the largest voting block of all time. Not only were they beginning to take power at this time, but they were enjoying the false fruits of epic inflation of gross proportions that led to recession in the 80's. This is actually a huge indicator of massive unemployment that began then and a huge trend in wild spending of money without concern for the future - as we can currently see.
  • 4. Sending Jobs Overseas
Several tax laws (Not NAFTA or other trade agreements - although the certainly didn't help) have caused problems with retaining domestic positions. Until these laws were enacted by Clinton (the first boomer president) and by a primarily boomer senate, the concept of trickle down was actually working pretty well. The problem with trickle down economics is greed, and these tax cuts enabled the wealthy to become wealthier without providing positions for the middle and lower class, leading me to my next point.
  • 5. Wealth Inequality
As a result of the points made in #4, you see in this graph a disparity that has origins in the 70's/80's, as boomers were taking the helm at corporate america.
  • 6. Inflating College Costs
Tuition fees drastically have expanded due to several problems in funding from the federal government that was enacted by Boomers. The loan system for banks is now hopelessly tied to these loans. It would actually be less expensive to forgive all college debt than it would be to bail out all of the banks again. Banks should not be too big to fail.
  • 7. Outrageous Oil Prices
So in the 1970's there was the Iran/Iraq war, which you could argue either way whether we could have helped or not as it's a non-domestic issue. Sure the boomers were taking the helm during that era and held the largest voting block, but I think that it might be fair to write that one off to foreign soil and/or the Silent Generation. Probably more the former than the latter. The second spike, however, is directly in time with us declaring war on an unspecified target (Terrorism?) and pursuing an agenda of military action in the middle east. Coincidentally this was approved in mass by the boomers in politics that were voted for by boomers in majority (roughly 50% of boomers vote as opposed to about 20-30% of other age groups). The more disturbing price is the "real" price and not the nominal one, which is at unparalleled heights in all of history - even since the massive spikes in the 1800's.
  • 8. Social Security Problems
Boomers have statistically paid less into social security and will cash out more from it than any other demographic in history. If it doesn't bankrupt the system, the burden of keeping the system alive will not only shift to the millennials but to the generations after them who will be paying higher tax rates with lower volumes of jobs and less opportunities. By 2032 the boomers will all be able to claim SSI and the system will begin to unravel or taxes will be ravaging everyone besides them.
  • 9. The Housing Bubble
Baby boomers routinely were valuing all of the homes that they had as higher and higher among one another while no actual changes were taking place to the home. A house I bought two years ago, despite having more problems that would exceed the added value to the home, increased in value out of simple principle for some reason. The thought to a lot of boomers was that the properties gained value, and they inherited this from the Silent Generation. That USED to be true when the bulk of properties were large sprawls of land and had very large homes. The reason those homes gained value is because many of them were gone when we started building more houses and started making them smaller. The problem is that boomers ignored this and just kept tacking on value to homes without regard for other trends and then the bubble burst because of other issues that they caused specifically in the Savings & Loans industry.
  • 10. One Of The Least Effective Congress' in History
Despite the boomers having a majority of 65 Senators (to 28 Silent Generation and 9 Xers) in the senate, having 33 states worth of governors, and a total of 276 voting members in the house of representatives (64.137931%). With all of this done and the members collecting their salaries they are among the least productive of all time and are doing the absolute least to impact change because they are so polarized in their factions and they all want to "fight the power" rather than realize that THEY ARE the power and unity is what they need rather than fighting.
  • 11. MASSIVE Government Debt
So debt isn't inherently evil if you are producing product to compensate or if you have investments that can counteract the debt by producing dividends. Unfortunately, the programs that the boomers have enacted for entitlement (specifically for the elderly and retired - convenient now that they are retiring) with no actual return far exceed the actual investment and cause a problem that can only be overcome with more product or more investment that must be sacrificed by the generations following them.
  • 1. Civil Rights
The Civil Rights act was passed in 1964 - which was right when the oldest boomers were graduating high school. They likely remember it, but hardly did they have any impact on the legislation for it. Only one year worth of them were able to vote. Hardly an impact on Civil Rights.
  • 2. Musical Revolution
This is actually decidedly true. The Boomers decidedly changed the face of music. Peter Frampton, Journey, Michael Jackson, Queen (Freddie Mercury), and a host of others. Denying the boomers the musical revolution is asinine. They basically invented good music.
  • 3. Vietnam
While you can make an argument that protests were making change in America, we were profiting hand over fist from the war. The problem is that there was a balance between the cost of life and the profit that we were gaining. The deaths and people sent over to vietnam were increasing, but the profits held steady, which is a negative trend. The war seemed to be leaning that it would be coming to an end. The Tet Offensive by the Vietnamese drastically changed that outlook and made it appear as it truly would be - a stalemate - and decidedly marked the point where we changed our stance. The Vietnamese essentially ended our involvement in the war with the Tet Offensive.
Not to mention that Operation Northwoods decidedly left the boomer generation in the dark about what was really happening because they also didn't have the internet or access to information besides the news. (Let's not even get into the other proven true conspiracies about their time in power - like the heart attack gun)
It should be noted though that they did need to endure the draft, which was horrendous by any standards and they have my sympathies on that end especially given that the war was essentially for profit.
  • 4. Women's Rights
Theoretically this is ambiguous. A lot of monumental legislation like the CRA and other things were passed before they were even in the opportunity to vote for such legislation. There was also a massive movement of women's rights that were happening previous to their time pushing it. On the other side of that coin, they DID push that agenda for women dramatically and caused a lot more things to happen in the public spotlight than had previously. This one I would call a draw at best. The laws that enabled a lot of them to do what they did were passed before they did it, but their actions did spur a lot of further action.
  • 5. Sexual Revolution
This one I also call a draw, on several grounds. First, Alfred Kinsey decidedly started the revolution in the 50's with his controversial research and he was decidedly NOT a boomer. The Revolution actually started closer to the mid-1930's and 40's, but Kinsey publishing Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), also known as the Kinsey Reports, as well as the Kinsey scale set of a huge spark in the revolution. So the boomers didn't really "start" the revolution, but it did explode under their care.
On the other hand, the spread of HIV infections peaked in the 80's, as they matured but had minimal information on HIV and AIDS. Not to mention the wide spread of other STD's that still plague our nation (
So on the grounds that they didn't start it, and their expansion was so uninformed about it as to wide spread disease for several generations, I'm calling this one a draw. We have more liberties and understanding but at the cost of disease and death.
  • 6. Technology
So yes/no here also. A lot of the technology began in it's infancy long before the boomers got a hold of it, but they did take technologies very very far. They took computers from number crunching machines to what they are now (Thanks Gates and Jobs!). They created the wireless systems that we all now enjoy and updated the phones that we use. I wouldn't say they invented the ideas for a lot of technology, but they absolutely expanded that technology. Our generation, including Mark Zuckerberg, is currently using those technologies to revolutionize communication. This is a resounding YES for the boomers. They have given vast new ways to communicate and widely opened technology.
  • 7. The Cold War
Um...half of the cold war was over before the boomers reached 18 years old. Most of politics was run by the Silent Generation still. This is a resounding no. While there were contributions that happened to wrap things up toward the late 70's and 80's, most of it happened because of some very heavy lifting on the hands of the generation before the boomers and them doing things that we would never consider ethical.
  • 8. Fixed Polio
The Polio cases and vaccines happened while boomers were alive, but not when they were in power. It was again the Silent Generation who came up with most of the cures for these problems and consequently the cases drastically reduced in the 50's. This is like 3/4 no, but also 1/4 yes, because the Boomers did create more versions of it and standardize the use of it.
  • 9. Established better retirement
Boomers have done a ton to bolster social security and set up nursing homes. The problem is that since they have put their parents in these nursing homes there is a wild flurry for how horrible those places are. In addition, there were a lot of gaps in Social Security that caused problems for their parents. They have moved to fix those holes, but haven't chipped anything more into the pot while beginning to already cash out. So they fixed a system for themselves and are now depleting it while not likely to go into the said homes that they created for their parents. This is also a resounding failure.
Based on all of the observable problems that have been created by leaders from that generation (not during their generation, mind you, but BY MEMBERS OF their generation), the lackluster performance of a bulk of their important contributions, and the very self-absorbed nature of a lot of the mindsets I am currently of the opinion that they are actually (as a collective) the problem with progress. This doesn't mean there aren't great people in the generation who did great things. It means that the bad things they allowed their leaders to do and voted those leaders in for, drastically outweigh the benefits of the good things they did by marching and so on. I don't think the bulk of the generation had ill intentions or is that greedy, but undoubtedly the major influencing powers from the generation have left a generation of greed, selfishness, and personal ambition at the expense of anything else.
Feel free to show me wrong. I am more than happy to hear about all of the definitive evidence about how they did great things and did NOT cause most of the problems we have today.
Disclaimer: I might come off as smug but I just speak in a more matter-of-fact tone. I'm always open to other opinions as long as they are actually supported and not inane statements like, "I don't need a source because I was there."