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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nobody Tries Anything

I've had a lot of things in life change. I've had ambitions to be a professional artist, musician, and several other endeavors. I had a conversation with my wife regarding the satisfaction level that I have with such endeavors and here are some key points that are huge to understanding ambitions:

1 - There is no TRY; only DO
There is no such thing as trying. If you indeed try, you proceed through failure after failure and get knocked down only to rise again and overcome. The end result is that (provided enough time) you DO what you set out to do. If you are saying to yourself that you are "trying" to do something and not actually doing everything you can to make it happen you are simply fooling yourself

2 - If you WANT something you WILL DO what it takes
Since there is no such thing as "try," when you want something you will do what it takes to attain it. Sometimes there are imbalances in this equation. For me, I wanted to pursue music and other selfish endeavors, but ultimately my want for a traditional family and my own children and pursuing my career weighed heavier on me than my own pursuits. I wanted a family. I have a family. If I had truly wanted to be a musician professionally rather than having it just be a fantasy I would have DONE it.

3 - Repetition is the mother of success
The dividing line between success and failure is simple. The person who quits fails. Don't say you want something if you don't have the willpower/stones to go get it/take it. If you are failing it gives you insight into what does NOT work to get where you want. Re-evaluate, re-position, and keep moving.

4 - "One day" and "Later" simply mean "No"
Do not say, "one day I will be rich." You'll never be rich. I'm not rich, but the concept lies in your pursuit. If you say "one day" or "later" you aren't starting what it takes NOW. Nothing in life that's worth anything comes easy and quick. Being wealthy/successful, whatever your definition, is about goal setting, strategy, and careful execution. The only time "one day" applies is when that day is today.

5 - Good things require sacrifice
Anyone who has anything good will tell you they gave something else up to get it. People who are fit give up eating a lot of junk food. People who are wealthy give up a lot of their time to it. People who are intelligent typically give up social functions to pursue that. Everything is a balance. If you want something badly, you need to be willing to sacrifice to get it. This goes along with point number two. If  you REALLY want it, you will be willing to make the sacrifice. If you aren't willing to make the sacrifice, then you want whatever it is that you aren't willing to let go of MORE than what you think you want. Plain and simple.

Okay. Here is my point. I don't regret choices that I've made. I accept that certain things are the sum of equations of what means more to me in life. I'm not rich because I value my family, but we do okay. I'm not famous because I value time with my friends/wife/daughter. I'm not athletic because I value pursuing knowledge MORE than physicality (not that you cannot do both - that's just where MY choices led). If you want to do something truly, then do it. Don't say you will try. Don't say you will do it later. Don't give up because it didn't work the first 50 times. Like Nike says, "Just Do It."

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Let's Educate Some Christians

When I was growing up, there was an expression circulated among Christian circles that says something like this:

"If you were to move Earth 10 feet closer to the Sun or 10 feet further away we would all die. God has placed us perfectly where we ought to be."

Recently I have seen someone post this, and then receive much rebuttal from people of the pseudo-scientific community. The problem really lies in that people don't actually apply critical thinking or analytic thinking, they merely see it for face value and demean people over this. It usually turns into the traditional "christian bashing" and someone usually starts talking about the Big Bang/Creation and what they believe to be the fallacy of the bible. Those topics are really for other blog posts. I have yet to attack the legitimacy of the bible, but I have a blog regarding the Big Bang/Creation titled "Jesus Believed in Evolution" if you want a long but actually somewhat thoughtful read.

Let me clear up this expression so we can put to rest the scientific community for demeaning Christians, and empower Christians to not make complete fools of themselves for not knowing what they are talking about:

First, let's get some of the basics out of the way with the facts:
1) The earth moves in an egg shaped ellipse around the sun.
2) Our distance from the sun changes by several million miles (3,106,855.95 miles to be exact) each year.
3) The earth is just under 8,000 miles thick on average
4) In science, the distance from the earth to the sun (92,956,000 miles) is referred to as 1 Astronomical Unit or 1 AU
5) In order for life to exist a planet must reside permanently within the Goldilocks Zone for it's respective star. This is the distance that will allow life to not burn or freeze to death. It varies for each star.
6) The Goldilocks Zone (clever name) for our sun is between .99AU and 1.7AU (

Okay, so now that we have the facts let's do some critical thinking. Using Facts 4 and 6 we can determine that the earth (which is at 1AU during it's closest time to the sun) has a margin of .01 to move from that point before we all burn to death. This is much more than 10 feet. To be exact, this is 92,956 miles.

Science Lovers: "Silly Christians. They really think that's true?! No wonder we have problems."

Hold on a second. That's not the end of the thought. Let's move to next-level thinking and not just the face value of the 10 feet. Clearly just the movement of 10 feet wouldn't immediately kill everyone. I've gone on roller coasters and not incinerated, but what happens AFTER the earth has moved this 10 feet?

Well, scientifically speaking, if you push an item closer to the sun it is subjected to a higher level of gravity, which ultimately will change the entire trajectory of the planet. If you figure the math out using Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion ( this would actually happen to push us much closer over time than the 92,956 miles because the ellipse changes from an egg shape to more of a "0" shape where the long sides are significantly closer (we burn) and the short sides are drastically further away (we freeze). Conversely, the opposite happens if you push the earth out 10 feet. The gravitation is less and as a result the ellipse is still the same shape, but the bottom wide half of this "egg" shaped ellipse is MUCH closer than we are now. In either case, our planet burns and freezes.

If you really like science, stop trying to make Science fight God. Science will never disprove God. Science is not in the nature of disproving ANYTHING, rather Scientific thinking is used to discover new things and prove things to help us better understand the universe. When you posit God against Science you are already limiting your scientific thinking, not to mention that mathematically you can never disprove anything because until we know the entire infinite universe there is always the possibility that what you are trying to disprove exists beyond your reach. Aliens could very well exist beyond our reach, and so could people just like us.

Science isn't the devil. Science is something we were given to help better understand our world and the Creator. As Einstein said, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

If we as Christians are fearful of Science, it's much less of your contempt for Science and much more your fear that they may disprove something you believe. Here's a thought: If God created Science, do you really think that Science will ever be able to prove that He doesn't exist? Do you think that we would be able to prove in the universe things that He didn't intend?

God made the universe. Science is us coming to conclusions based on observation. If we believe both of those statements, then we should 100% support Science because it will 100% of the time verify the very hand of God and make him more tangible to mankind on a very basic level.

The reality is that we wouldn't even need to move 93,000 miles closer because the earth is 8,000 feet wide. What this means is that really our planet only needs to move about 86,000 miles closer because even if only one side were too close, the earth rotates on its axis, and as a result we all die in a rotisserie-style apocalypse.

Outside of this, our gravity is what makes certain gasses like hydrogen and liquids like water able to exist on our planet. If we moved that much closer, the strong force constant (gravity) is disrupted to a point that hydrogen can no longer exist at the closest point in our ellipse to the sun, and as a result our atmosphere breaks down and we all die.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How To Properly Debate Via Social Media and Public Forums

Many people debate topics and I am a person who really enjoys a good one. I like the idea of challenging my own thoughts with new information and reforming the way I see the world based on the overwhelming amount of information available. I know not all people share my zeal for this, but nonetheless, here I am.

I have noticed when I am on Facebook that often times people make arguments with the facade of being intelligent about the subject matter and/or having the ability to debate. This in turn leads me into the position of setting up and defending my position, naturally. As expected in any debate format, there are refutes to be given to any one point and subject that comes up, so naturally I roll with the punches, sometimes adjusting my beliefs when I concede they are correct and other times arguing my own side.

Here are some quick tips on debating (How to WIN debates) :

***Disclaimer*** Using these tips may cause people to not like you and/or think you are a jerk. C'est La Vie.

1) When you argue a point, always have some sort of verified evidence to back yourself. Studies done at colleges or by reputable and public sources are widely available on most topics. If using popular media sources, try to use sources from either side of the slant, as many are slanted toward one political affiliation. If you cannot, try to use something independent.

2) If you are joining a "debate" and have nothing to offer besides how you feel, you should simply state that using a simple phrase such as, "I feel like...."  (You cannot debate a feeling)

3) When evaluating the position of an opposing opinion or information, review it in the context of their own usage and your own. While they may not be applying it to YOUR opinion, they likely have systems of beliefs or points that are stemmed from this one, and you should be well equipped to move in that direction.

4) If you don't have anything to refute their argument, just concede. It's far less embarrassing to concede that you may be wrong than to be proven wrong. It also saves you a remote amount of power and dignity.

5) Avoid using derogatory language or belittling statements. It cheapens/weakens your argument, but will probably get a lot of likes on FB.

6) Don't fight questions with questions. If you don't have a good argument, then you don't have a good argument. There isn't any shame in not being able to back a point. It's simply bad form to reply to a question with another question. It doesn't solve anything and moves a productive debate into a hypothetical setting.

7) Redirecting a topic is acceptable once you have acknowledged and refuted a previous topic. You cannot simply ignore the previous argument and presume to be correct. This in effect actually projects a mutually agreed concession.

Now that I have equipped you to be a jerk, use with caution.